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Mischief Managed Innovation Unleashed

Haututu hacklab helps to nurture ideas into reality, one prototype at a time.

Tairawhiti's premier workspace is dedicated to supporting hackers, hobbyists, and entrepreneurs in bringing their ideas to life. By blending tradition with technology, we aim to foster the growth of our community.


Why Haututu Hacklab?

Haututu Hacklab is a maker-space designed to empower, and equip the community with the tools they need to nurture their ideas, and unleash their potential.

What we offer?

Haututu Spaces

We have a range of different tools and equipment to allow our members imaginations and creativity to run wild. Upwards of ten unique stations make up Haututu Hacklab, the true potential and magic of this space is in the cross-pollination, collaboration and diversity united in collective purpose to serve our people and planet.

Ready to become
a Haututu?

Welcome to Haututu HackLab, a community space in the heart of Gisborne that welcomes all the innovative minds in the Tairāwhiti area!


Our mission is to offer a collaborative space where creatives, technologists, entrepreneurs, hobbyists and DIY enthusiasts can create, learn and explore their passions.

Our members have access to tools and resources they need to fast-track their projects in a supportive "sharing" environment. Our goal is to nurture your ideas into reality, one prototype at a time.

Upcoming Events
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Featured Projects

Check out some of the most innovative and groundbreaking projects created by the brilliant minds of Haututu HackLab. Get inspired by the remarkable achievements of our talented members. Once a member, you'll not only join the Haututu Whānau but also gain access to our wider online community too.

Haututu Project Ideas

More Makerspaces in NZ 

The vision of Tinkd is to create an autonomous, community-driven, shared space with access to tools for friendly, collaborative, inspirational, technical and creative expression and experimentation in the Bay of Plenty.



Hackland is nestled in  Auckland and is a vibrant workshop space for creativity and innovation. It serves as a creative haven for the community so if you're in Auckland, join the crew and get your hacking talents to good use.

